London Fc Pes 2016 [UPDATED] Crack
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Abstracs The different coordination modes and fast ligand exchange of zinc coordination has been suggested to be one key catalytic feature of the zinc ion which makes it an invaluable metal in biological catalysis. However, partly due to the well known difficulties for zinc to be characterized by spectroscopy methods, evidence for dynamic nature of the catalytic zinc coordination has so far mainly been indirect. In this work, Born-Oppenheimer ab initio QM/MM molecular dynamics simulation has been employed, which allows for a first-principle description of the dynamics of the metal active site while properly including effects of the heterogeneous and fluctuating protein environment. Our simulations have provided direct evidence regarding inherent flexibility of the catalytic zinc coordination shell in Thermolysin (TLN) and Histone Deacetylase 8 (HDAC8). We have observed different coordination modes and fast ligand exchange during the picosecond's time-scale. For TLN, the coordination of the carboxylate group of Glu166 to Zinc is found to continuously change between monodentate and bidentate manner dynamically; while for HDAC8, the flexibility mainly comes from the coordination to a non-amino-acid ligand. Such distinct dynamics in the zinc coordination shell between two enzymes suggests that the catalytic role of Zinc in TLN and HDAC8 is likely to be different in spite of the fact that both catalyze the hydrolysis of amide bond. Meanwhile, considering that such Born-Oppenheimer ab initio QM/MM MD simulations are very much desired but are widely considered to be too computationally expensive to be feasible, our current study demonstrates the viability and powerfulness of this state-of-the-art approach in simulating metalloenzymes. PMID:20161624
We present high-resolution two-color photoassociation spectroscopy of Bose-Einstein condensates of ytterbium atoms. The use of narrow Raman resonances and careful examination of systematic shifts enabled us to measure 13 bound-state energies for three isotopologues of the ground-state ytterbium molecule with standard uncertainties of the order of 500 Hz. The atomic interactions are modeled using an ab initio based mass-scaled Born-Oppenheimer potential whose long-range van der Waals parameters and total WKB phase are fitted to experimental data. We find that the quality of the fit of this model, of about 112.9 kHz (rms) can be significantly improved by adding the recently calculated beyond-Born-Oppenheimer (BBO) adiabatic corrections [J. J. Lutz and J. M. Hutson, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 330, 43 (2016), 10.1016/j.jms.2016.08.007] and by partially treating the nonadiabatic effects using distance-dependent reduced masses. Our BBO interaction model represents the experimental data to within about 30.2 kHz on average, which is 3.7 times better than the \"reference\" Born-Oppenheimer model. We calculate the s -wave scattering lengths for bosonic isotopic pairs of ytterbium atoms with error bars over two orders of magnitude smaller than previous determinations. For example, the s -wave scattering length for 174Yb is +5.55812 (50 ) nm.
The concept of a potential-energy surface (PES) is central to our understanding of spectroscopy, photochemistry, and chemical kinetics. However, the terminology used in connection with the basic approximations is variously, and somewhat confusingly, represented with such phrases as \"adiabatic\", \"Born-Oppenheimer\", or \"Born-Oppenheimer adiabatic\" approximation. Concerning the closely relevant and important Franck-Condon principle (FCP), the IUPAC definition differentiates between a classical and quantum mechanical formulation. Consequently, in many publications we find terms such as \"Franck-Condon (excited) state\", or a vertical transition to the \"Franck-Condon point\" with the \"Franck-Condon geometry\" that relaxes to the excited-state equilibrium geometry. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation and the \"classical\" model of the Franck-Condon principle are typical examples of misused terms and lax interpretations of the original theories. In this essay, we revisit the original publications of pioneers of the PES concept and the FCP to help stimulate a lively discussion and clearer thinking around these important concepts. 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Extreme deformation and homogeneous fracture can be readily studied via ab initio methods by subjecting crystals to numerical \"tensile tests\", where the energy of locally stable crystal configurations corresponding to elongated and fractured states are evaluated by means of density functional method calculations. The information obtained can then be used to construct traction curves of cohesive zone models in order to address fracture at the macroscopic scale. In this work, we perform an in depth analysis of traction curves and how ab initio calculations must be interpreted to rigorously parameterize an atomic scale cohesive zone model, using crystalline Ag as an example. Our analysis of traction curves reveal the existence of two qualitatively distinct decohesion criteria: (i) an energy criterion whereby the released elastic energy equals the energy cost of creating two new surfaces and (ii) an instability criterion that occurs at a higher and size independent stress than that of the energy criterion. We find that increasing the size of the simulation cell renders parts of the traction curve inaccessible to ab initio calculations involving the uniform decohesion of the crystal. We also find that the separation distance below which a crack heals is not a material parameter as has been proposed in the past. Finally, we show that a large energy barrier separates the uniformly stressed crystal from the decohered crystal, resolving a paradox predicted by a scaling law based on the energy criterion that implies that large crystals will decohere under vanishingly small stresses. This work clarifies confusion in the literature as to how a cohesive zone model is to be parameterized with ab initio \"tensile tests\" in the presence of internal relaxations.
The accuracy of water models derived from ab initio molecular dynamics simulations by means on an improved force-matching scheme is assessed for various thermodynamic, transport, and structural properties. It is found that although the resulting force-matched water models are typically less accurate than fully empirical force fields in predicting thermodynamic properties, they are nevertheless much more accurate than generally appreciated in reproducing the structure of liquid water and in fact superseding most of the commonly used empirical water models. This development demonstrates the feasibility to routinely parametrize computationally efficient yet predictive potential energy functions based on accurate ab initio molecular dynamics simulations for a large variety of different systems. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The Schrödinger equation for the ground state of the hydrogen molecule H2 is solved by applying the Rayleigh-Ritz variational method in Hylleraas coordinates without using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. The nonrelativistic energy eigenvalue is converged to -1.164 025 030 880 (7 ) atomic units. The leading-order relativistic corrections, including the mass-velocity, Darwin, orbit-orbit, spin-spin, and relativistic recoil terms, are evaluated perturbatively. Together with the higher-order relativistic and quantum electrodynamic corrections obtained by Puchalski et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 263002 (2016), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.263002], we determine the dissociation energy of the hydrogen molecule, D0=36 118.069 71 (33 ) cm-1 , which agrees with the two recent experimental results of Liu et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 130, 174306 (2009), 10.1063/1.3120443], 36 118.069 62 (37 ) cm-1 , and Altmann et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 043204 (2018), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.043204], 36 118.069 45 (31 ) cm-1 .
Iterative projection algorithms are proposed as a tool for ab initio phasing in virus crystallography. The good global convergence properties of these algorithms, coupled with the spherical shape and high structural redundancy of icosahedral viruses, allows high resolution phases to be determined with no initial phase information. This approach is demonstrated by determining the electron density of a virus crystal with 5-fold non-crystallographic symmetry, starting with only a spherical shell envelope. The electron density obtained is sufficiently accurate for model building. The results indicate that iterative projection algorithms should be routinely applicable in virus crystallography, without the need for ancillary phase information. Copyright 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
More than half of proteins require binding of metal and acid radical ions for their structure and function. Identification of the ion-binding locations is important for understanding the biological functions of proteins. Due to the small size and high versatility of the metal and acid radical ions, however, computational prediction of their binding sites remains difficult. We proposed a new ligand-specific approach devoted to the binding site prediction of 13 metal ions (Zn 2+ , Cu 2+ , Fe 2+ , Fe 3+ , Ca 2+ , Mg 2+ , Mn 2+ , Na + , K + ) and acid radical ion ligands (CO3 2- , NO2 - , SO4 2- , PO4 3- ) that are most frequently seen in protein databases. A sequence-based ab initio model is first trained on sequence profiles, where a modified AdaBoost algorithm is extended to balance binding and non-binding residue samples. A composite method IonCom is then developed to combine the ab initio model with multiple threading alignments for further improving the robustness of the binding site predictions. The pipeline was tested using 5-fold cross validations on a comprehensive set of 2,100 non-redundant proteins bound with 3,075 small ion ligands. Significant advantage was demonstrated compared with the state of the art ligand-binding methods including COACH and TargetS for high-accuracy ion-binding site identification. Detailed data analyses show that the major advantage of IonCom lies at the integration of complementary ab initio and template-based components. Ion-specific feature design and binding library selection also contribute to the improvement of small ion ligand binding predictions. CONTACT: or zhng@umich.eduSupplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: 153554b96e