Hello. Who can tell me - what is the best to use in order to be able to enter social networks in different profiles? Because I am engaged in advertising on the network and I need it for work
You don't understand. The author uses many different accounts in one network for advertising purposes. And this is forbidden by the rules, so if it is seen that he comes from the same IP, his accounts will simply be blocked. In order to hide the traces of the fact that the accounts are connected, and use anti-detect browsers. Here you can read an article about the most popular ones: Dolphin Anty vs Multilogin: https://cross-browser.org/comparison/dolphin-anty-vs-multilogin/ .
I don't really understand. Why do you need an anti-detect browser for social networks? I, for example, use the most ordinary browser and I don't even think about anonymity. What's the big deal?
You don't understand. The author uses many different accounts in one network for advertising purposes. And this is forbidden by the rules, so if it is seen that he comes from the same IP, his accounts will simply be blocked. In order to hide the traces of the fact that the accounts are connected, and use anti-detect browsers. Here you can read an article about the most popular ones: Dolphin Anty vs Multilogin: https://cross-browser.org/comparison/dolphin-anty-vs-multilogin/ .
I don't really understand. Why do you need an anti-detect browser for social networks? I, for example, use the most ordinary browser and I don't even think about anonymity. What's the big deal?